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4.5 Ft. Spider Strike Zombie Animatronics - Decorations


Itsy bitsy spider crawls up the helpless corpse...the beloved nursery rhyme just got a touch darker. The spider has just snared fresh prey. In the midst of cries for help, the victim's eyes are plucked right out of their sockets, and his body is tearing apart. Spiders of this level aren't like ordinary house spiders. These spiders feed on the flesh of the living and eat what's leftover to lay their eggs. You should beware of the size and virulence of the spider next time you come across a giant web. As the spider enfolds you in its web, you don't want to be the next one hanging next to the rotting corpse...

Spider Strike hangs from a giant spider, as he flails and screams with head and mouth movements trying to break free from the spider's grip!

Product Sayings :

  • "*Spider hisses and victim screams*"

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