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8 Ft Other Mother Animatronic Decoration - Coraline


Your mother has always told you not to talk to strangers.. but, is the other mother really a stranger to you? You may think her world is dream come true, but you're wrong! The other mother is far from good, waiting to feed off the lives of anyone daring enough to fall into her trap. The other mother is only after one thing, not the love of her children, simply the lives of children.

This Other Mother animatronic stands at a menacing 8 feet tall, before she pleads you to stay with her. Before long, she lunges forward to grab you!

Product sayings :

  • "Is that any way to talk to your mother? .. Apologize.. at ONCE! .. One... Two... THREEE!" *lunges forward* "You dare disobey your mother! Hahaha.."

  • "You could stay here forever, if you want to. There's one tiny little thing we need to do.." *lunges forward* "No! Where are you? You selfish brat!"

  • "So.. you're back. Now, you're going to stay here.. for ever.." *lunges forward* "DON'T LEAVE ME, DON'T LEAVE ME! I'LL DIE WITHOUT YOU!"

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