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5 Ft Belladonna Animatronic - Decorations


Murk Hollow, a town full of wealth and deprivation, with segregation between the two very obvious. The wealthy were able to succeed in whatever they did, using their money to help them along the way. Others who weren’t as fortunate with money were stuck there to work away just to make ends meet. Belladonna found herself stuck right in the middle of that group of people, and that wasn’t going to fly with her. Her mind was so twisted into the idea of being wealthy and successful, that she let her temptations get the best of her. She rushed into the local library, finding older pieces of witchcraft and necromancy, before fleeing deep into the woods to find herself alone. Before long, Belladonna had seemed to get everything she wanted, even taking the lives of people who got in her way. Now if you ever find yourself stuck in the deep, selling your soul to the devil is the last thing you should do!

Belladonna floats up off the ground, before letting go of her book making it seem to float too! Featured with moving eyes, a tilting head, and demonic threats, Belladonna will have everybody running away!

Product Sayings:

  • "The bell tolls and the whispers of the dead call your name. The harsh chill of the wind dances around us both. Your fate is sealed young one, your soul is trapped here for an eternity.! Hahaha!"

  • “The veil between our worlds grow thinner and thinner by each passing night, the dead scream and howl, wanting to feel the warmth of flesh and blood once more. Once the veil breaks, your life will be ripped away from you. You will be consumed with darkness until you find the light, while the dead will be set free to rest in peace! Hahaha!"

  • “Hush now young one, do you hear the cries of the dead? They all call your name, they long for your presence here. Won’t you stay and keep them company? They've been dying for a newcomer, somebody will take their place.. and suffer.. instead.. and it looks like you'll be the one! Hahaha!"

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